DDD - Interaction with external bounded contexts
[#vaughn-ddddis], on 2nd chapter:
202105192148 DDD - Bounded Contexts should interact with other bounded context via well defined, external APIs. There are several tactics for that:
For communication:
- Event driven architecture (see also 202106091344 DDD - Domain Events)
- Command Query Responsibility Segregation
- Reactive and Actor Model
- Representational State Transfer (REST)
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Possible architectures
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Microservices
- Monoliths with well defined internal APIs (removing the R from RPC :p)
202106091344 DDD - Domain Events offer good advice on how to establish clear communication standards and 202106091345 DDD - Event Sourcing offers an idea on how to guarantee recovery.
[#vaughn-ddddis]: Vernon, Vaughn. Domain-Driven Design Distilled. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2016.