About leadership

Direct citation from [#knowproj-mental-habits-leaders]:

So much of leadership ability is about how other people experience themselves in your presence. A great leader has a presence that makes other people bigger.

Not sure how I feel about this one, but it sounds about right. It's not formulaic and shows what I've been experiencing so far. Also the episode throws some other useful insights about leaders.

  • Great leaders amplify – they bring the best from people around them. In a way, they make the group better
  • People aren't born leaders, they grow into the role
  • Good leaders are curious about the world around them. Curiosity and not being blindly certain are essential
  • A curious leader takes 202111022340 Whispers as signal
  • Also to keep in mind: knowledge workers are paid to be curious. Otherwise we could be replaced by any search engine.

[#knowproj-mental-habits-leaders]: Farnam Street. “The Mental Habits of Effective Leaders: My Interview with Jennifer Garvey Berger.” Accessed November 2, 2021. https://fs.blog/knowledge-podcast/jennifer-garvey-berger/.