Asking better questions
Asking good/better questions is probably a life-long endeavor. However, one can try.
[#knowproj-mental-habits-leaders] suggests the following:
- Notice your questions. When do I ask questions that I'll autofill the answers? Is that question really meaningful, or more of an habit?
- Try to ask questions that would make the person think or shift perspective
- Go after foundational stuff (the type of thing kids usually go for). Some people refer to this as rethinking stuff from 202111040854 First principle
- What different question you could ask about this?
- What different perspective could you have here?
This can also be applied to 202105051235 Mentoring, 202105051358 Coaching or raising children, probably...
[#knowproj-mental-habits-leaders]: Farnam Street. “The Mental Habits of Effective Leaders: My Interview with Jennifer Garvey Berger.” Accessed November 2, 2021.