Asking better questions

Asking good/better questions is probably a life-long endeavor. However, one can try.

[#knowproj-mental-habits-leaders] suggests the following:

  1. Notice your questions. When do I ask questions that I'll autofill the answers? Is that question really meaningful, or more of an habit?
  2. Try to ask questions that would make the person think or shift perspective
  3. Go after foundational stuff (the type of thing kids usually go for). Some people refer to this as rethinking stuff from 202111040854 First principle
  4. What different question you could ask about this?
  5. What different perspective could you have here?

This can also be applied to 202105051235 Mentoring, 202105051358 Coaching or raising children, probably...

[#knowproj-mental-habits-leaders]: Farnam Street. “The Mental Habits of Effective Leaders: My Interview with Jennifer Garvey Berger.” Accessed November 2, 2021.