The Cathedral and the Bazaar applied to management
On [#stanier-effective-manager], 5th chapter
[#raymond-cab] is a foundational text when we think about open source today (circa 2021). You can argue that most developers (maybe most people?) fall somewhere between one of the ends between Cathedral builders and Bazaar browsers.
- A Cathedral builder values depth, stability and mastery.
- A Bazaar browser thrives in the new and in the moving chaos. They value breadth over depth.
The author states that it is a good exercise to figure out where you and where your team members lie in the cathedral builder - bazaar browser spectrum.
#todo actually read [#raymond-cab]
[#stanier-effective-manager]: Stanier, Dr. James. Become an Effective Software Engineering Manager. 1st ed. S.l.: Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2020. [#raymond-cab]: Raymond, Eric S. The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary. 1st ed. Beijing ; Cambridge, Mass: O’Reilly, 1999.