Trigger, behavior, result. AKA The habit loop

It's part of the habit loop this was developed by Dr. Jud, but it's very similar to habits literature in general (being "Atomic Habits" by James Clear and "The Power of Habit" two books with similar takes on the habit loop)

  1. Trigger / Reminder: the starting point. I.e.: seeing your notebook prompts you to write
  2. Behavior / Routine: doing the stuff you were prompted to. I.e.: writing
  3. Result / Reward: The outcome of doing. I.e.: deepening your perspective

I slightly prefer Dr. Jud's terminology, because "result" makes it more obvious that a habit is not necessarily positive. This is, after all, just a loop.

[#mcraney-yanss-218]: McRaney, David. “YANSS 218 – How Anxiety Hides in Our Unhealthy Habits, Why You Can’t Think Your Way out of It, and Science Says You Should Do Instead.” You Are Not So Smart, October 31, 2021.